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Category Archives: Games

Yay, new game! What, another match three? Come on, that’s going to get boring. But wait, there is something different in there.
Alright, here is my new game. Years ago, I had this on a phone and really liked it but never found anything like it in flash. So, I made it. Again with FlashDevelop and without any single graphical asset. Seems I developed an interest in computer generated graphics. With all the given filters in flash it’s pretty simple though to make something shiny.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged bubble smile, bubblesmile, flash game, match three
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The selfish creation. I like match three games, so I made one. What I don’t like in games is time pressure whatever more ‘excitement’ it may bring. So I made me a little relaxing game. When I thought about making it public I added a timed mode, because there are people who like that. The most interesting fact from the developer side of view: I did the whole game in FlashDevelop and there is not a single graphical asset included. It’s all code generated.
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Coincidence. That’s what I thought. While trying to put the last tutorial about terrain modification to a use by making a game of it I had to discover that there is already one in the queue from Pete Baron called Aztec God Game.
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This is now a less frustrating sequel. Less frustrating because I did not implement instant losing in the easy mode. Well, some players already commented on the game being too hard or too easy. Seems like mission completed! I did reuse a lot of code and stuff from the first game, thus development should have been fast. It wasn’t.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged Flu!, free flash game
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The fastest game I’ve ever made (including the time of despair about lack of talent) for mochimedia’s January contest. Uhh, graphics are a horrible thing. It would be easier it every object had a clearly defined function. Anyway, that game definitly holds some opportunities and a sequel should definitely follow. Maybe I should get an artist on board of the team.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged free flash game, kegogrog, paperboy
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This is a byproduct of a game I am actually working on. The announcement of MochiMedias latest contest ’60 seconds to fame’ led to the development of this simple match-four-type-of-game.
Right from the start this was designed to be short (60 seconds), so a game with fast progress was needed. I have tried several improvements on this one.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged 60 seconds to fame, Cheat, contest entry, free flash game, kegogrog, mochimedia, quadropop
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Made from the tutorial, this is my newest game. I included several ideas that people on Kongregate and Newgrounds suggested such as the obstacles.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged chain reaction, flash game, Flu!, kegogrog, schweinegrippe, swine flu, vaccination
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Basically it’s the first game, but this time it has a goal. Still on the experiment road. I am a bit excited. I wonder what the best weekday is to push it into the world. I think I’ll go through the mochibot stats to find something.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged Flash, game, kegogrog, piece o eight II, piece o'eight II, pirate
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Basically it’s the thing I wrote for the shared objects tutorial. Just added some other graphics. It is my approach to begin the experiment. That ‘game’ won’t get any good score, on the other hand: it’s just a test.
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Posted in Games, mochiads
Tagged Flash, game, kegogrog, piece o eight, piece o'eight, pirate
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