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Monthly Archives: June 2009
By checking the domain your game is played on you can provide the player with certain features which then make your game exclusive to a site. How about adding a ‘BloodMode’ (in a way that is unsuitable for Mochi) when played on Kong or AG?
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Posted in game development, mochiads, monetization
Tagged armorgames, AS3, flash game, kongregate, loaderInfo, mochi, monetization, revenue, sitelock
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Als Pirat gönnt man sich ab und zu auch etwas Fisch. Mit wenig Zeit auch mal fertigen Fisch. Der hier besprochene wirbt mit “ideal für eine ausgewogene Ernährung”. Mag sein, schmeckt aber auch. Neuerdings gibts diesen Fisch auch mit mehr knuspriger Auflage. Super? Denkste!
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Posted in blog
Tagged iglo, neue rezeptur, schlemmer-filet, schlemmerfilet
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Basically it’s the thing I wrote for the shared objects tutorial. Just added some other graphics. It is my approach to begin the experiment. That ‘game’ won’t get any good score, on the other hand: it’s just a test.
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Posted in Games, mochiads
Tagged Flash, game, kegogrog, piece o eight, piece o'eight, pirate
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In the ‘Main Index Template’ (index.php) just add the following line have an Adsense ad between the post end and the comments.
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Posted in blog, monetization
Tagged AdSense, classic theme, monetization, PHP, Tutorial, WordPress
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Let’s assume, you got 12 worksheets named with year and month. Each sheet contains several values for every day. To put them all together I recommend a combination of the Excel functions CONCATENATE and INDIRECT (the real dynamic duo if there wasn’t one before).
Getting rid of old calendar items that waste storage capacity is easy.
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This topic came up some days ago with a lot of interesting possibilities especially for flash games. One shared object holding several variables you can load from every game. What could that mean? A regular player of your games gets secret levels, special items or skills for playing a game more often. Or let the player compare his actual score to the scores he achieved in other games you made, if these are comparable. Or an adventurelike game where one has to solve puzzles in external games or where achievements in other games control the plot.
Alright, enough of the dreaming, let’s go to where the action is:
Posted in game development
Tagged AS3, Flash, game development, savegame, sharedobject, Tutorial
Setting up a workbook
Open Excel and create a blank workbook. The default settings will create three Worksheets, that’s enough. My personal settings only create one sheet, the others are inserted by ‘Insert->Worksheet’. For the beginning we need two sheets. These are renamed (rightclick on tab->Rename) to ‘budget’ and (for actual reasons) ‘2009’. Then go to ‘File->Save as…’ and save it.
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Posted in Excel
Tagged accounting, budget, concatenate, Excel, finance, Tutorial
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With the Shared Object Tutorial Michael came up with an excellent piece of education. Regarding shared objects, how about sharing data between several games, like sequels or prequels.
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Tagged AS3, Flash, shared object, sharedobject
Monsters Den is one of the most addicting RPGames I played lately. With ‘The Book of Dread’ Garin came up with a nice update and even new features like a new campaign and a survival mode.
You can find it here: Monsters’ Den
At least you need some good strategy and luck to see all new features. If you’re missing one or even both of those, you can find some help here.
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